Foodgasm 4 Climax - The "Foodgasm 4: Craving 4 More" Winners!
Foodgasm 4 was a pleasant treat. A variety of food business presented their best-sellers and specialty dishes to a crowd of bloggers, foodies, and even chefs – eager to have a taste of the entries.
Of course, we had our own personal favorites that night. If only our tummies had a better capacity, we would have gobbled up more!
Geoffreview Favorites:
Ruby Red Kitchen – Monkey Bread
Ruby Red Kitchen’s display may not be as fancy as the other participants that night, but what they lacked in presentation they definitely made up for through taste! Their entry – the Monkey Bread was light to the taste and had the right mix of sweet and salty. The bread itself was already good on its own, but a slight spread of parmesan and marinara made wonders to the already magical taste. I’m sure a lot of people have asked why it’s called “Monkey Bread”, and the answer’s simple – it’s so good that you’ll end up wanting to gobble up the whole thing like a monkey. Works for me.
Niku Niku – Japanese Fishcakes and Crabstick
We ended up asking for more of these bite-sized fried goodies. The crabsticks were as tasty as they were crunchy and the Kewpie mayo (which, if I may add, is one of my favourite brands for dressings, spreads, and mayonnaise), made us love these goodies even more. We wished that they were more generous with the mayo though. The “Niku Niku guys" were also extra accommodating, so they got more points from us for that!
Hunger Buster – Dying Burger
Hunger Buster’s burgers were an instant hit that night (because hey, who doesn’t like burgers?) so we're glad that we got a taste of them before the other eager-tasters swarmed to their area. The burgers we had that night were smaller versions of the real thing, but don’t be fooled by their miniature size because these tiny burgers are packed with a huge flavour! The buns were soft and the patties juicy – no wonder their line was long. We would have probably enjoyed them more though if the samples we got were served warmer.
Cuptain Cakes – Batak Sesame Cupcakes
The wit and playfulness of Cuptain Cakes made me love their entry as much as the taste! The “Cuptain” himself was there to serve his creations together with his supportive First Mate. Cupcake names like NutellABS, MACHO Green Tea, Cookie BUFFer and Shred Velvet will make you feel guiltless when eating these goodies. The Batak Sesame cupcakes scored high in our approval rating because it fully captured the taste of black sesame, which complemented the sweetness of the frosting make its overall taste light and subtle. I noticed thought that their Calamansi cupcake didn’t have a name as clever as the others. May I suggest naming it MALAMANsi? ;)
Here are the rest of the tempting specialty dishes that tickled our tastebuds that night:
Pastillas Flan by Modern Desserts!

Pescado Gourmet Tuyo by Buenavi Food & Beverage!
Polish Pierogi by Babci Kuchnia!
Japanese Okonomiyaki by Country Fries!
Foodgasm 4 Champion: Hunger Buster

Geoffrey Ledesma
Oreo Whoopie Cupcakes by Chef Francesca's Cupcakes Couture!
Elvis Pie by The Happy Monster!
Gourmet Chocolate Rhum Balls by Cooking Ina's Kitchen!
Pastillas Flan by Modern Desserts!

Yema-Filled Crinkle Sandwich by Mau's Cupcake Cafe!
Pescado Gourmet Tuyo by Buenavi Food & Beverage!
Polish Pierogi by Babci Kuchnia!

Pork Hamondado Flavored Chorizo by Chorizo de Cebu PH!
Japanese Okonomiyaki by Country Fries!
CheeCups by TeamJohnny!
Bacon Cookies by Baking Bad!
Original Chili by Chili Chili Bang Bang!
Fingers were crossed as the winners were being announced. And the Foodgasm 4: Craving 4 More winners are:
ReplyDeleteTrue. Now I'm hungry