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Canon Pro Night: Fashion Revolution

I was looking back at some of my old blog posts and you can just imagine my horror as I looked at the quality of the pictures I used to take. I do a lot of posts about food and one of the essential elements when you’re making such articles is that the pictures have to be sharp and tempting to look at. Now I’m not claiming to be a photography expert, but I can tell that my pictures have improved ever since I had my Canon EOS M last year, compared to my earlier posts where I often just use a smartphone to take pictures.

In some ways, taking pictures of food can be relatable to having a fashion shoot. Proper lighting is key, and you have to make use of the other elements with your subject that would make the output more interesting. Knowing for sure that my camera’s potential is not limited to taking food shots, I took part in the 2nd Manila Photo festival last October 2. The event was called “Canon Pro Night: Fashion Revolution”, and it was a chance for me to test out my camera’s potential.

This is my current Canon camera. The one below is it's descendant  - the Canon EOS M3

I own a first-generation Canon EOS M, and I’m pretty happy with the fact that it combines the performance and versatility of a DSLR with the portability of a compact camera. With it, I gave fashion photography a shot by participating in the Open Shoot, where we were allowed to experiment with the lenses compatible with our cameras and of course, have a short photoshoot with the models. Check out some of the shots I took below:

I also made sure not to miss the chance to learn a trick or two from Ibarra Deri, one of Canon’s Crusader’s of Light. He shared his expertise in lighting and portrait photography, and even showcased some magic tricks!

The highlight of the night though, was the Shoot Out between topnotch photographers Wesley Villarica and Sara Black. The catch was, they’re not the ones going to take the pictures, but they’ll pick representatives from the audience who they will assist in taking that winning image. 

I didn’t volunteer but I couldn’t help to take part in the fun! Here is one of the pictures I took:

What do you guys think? Do I have a chance at fashion and portrait photography? I’m definitely going to need all the help I can get but while I’m still trying to work my way to get there, it’s a good thing that I have a trusty and handy camera to compensate for my photography skills.

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